What is timesharing and what does it look like at Brant Point Courtyard?
A timeshare is a property with a particular form of ownership or use rights. These properties are typically found in resort communities in which multiple parties hold rights to use the property, and each sharer is allotted a specific period of time.
At Brant Point Courtyard (BPC) the owner has the same specific week every year. The property is open from early May thru December. The unit is a deed for life so you can pass it onto someone else at your discretion.
BPC is a unique 14 unit timeshare property. It was created in the late 1980’s. Many of our owners are original owners. Our collection rate is very high (95+ %) in comparison to many other timeshare properties. We have an active and committed board of 9 trustees who meet four times a year. There is also an onsite property manager who lives on Nantucket. The board of trustees’ and property manager work collaboratively with a professional timeshare organization called Vacation Resorts International (VRI) – together they manage effectively the beautiful and unique BPC property.
For questions and to inquire, email kristinackcourtyard@gmail.com